Name: Patsy Walker
Current alias: Hellcat
Powers: Enhanced strength, experienced martial artist, can sense and deflect mystical energy, has a supersuit with steel claws
Fun facts:
Author: Kate Leth
Artist: Brittney Williams
Published by: Marvel Studios
Review: Hooked on a Feline brings Patsy Walker to a whole new light. In Marvel history, Patsy Walker was either a 1950s full-skirted gossip queen or a dramatic attack-cat in a yellow suit. This volume strikes a beautiful modern ground between the two. It's full of fun, cartoony escapades that allow Hellcat's character to be something truly enjoyable, and show her as both a superhero and a woman who just wants to have some casual drinks with her superhero friends. Hooked on a Feline takes a cast with otherworldly abilities and puts them squarely in everyday life - sure, Hellcat can sense mystic energy and fight bad guys, but what's a girl to do when she's just been fired and she needs to pay the rent? She gets a job in retail, of course!
Hooked on a Feline is a light volume peppered with punny jokes and the art is poppy and bright, like Disney on a page. At its core, it's about young women being there for each other, regardless of whether the foe is your longtime enemy, an interplanetary queen, or your mean landlord.
Recommended for: Teenagers and 20-somethings, but it's also a fantastic read for anyone who's ever had the landlord from hell!